Ryan Wilson

Ryan Wilson joined MPC in December of 2019 to grow StormStore™, a nearly decade-long initiative to enable an environmental market for stormwater management in Illinois. Following a successful effort in 2020 to enact policy change and establish the two watershed-based trading pilots, he is leading the effort to startup StormStore as a 3rd-party stormwater marketplace. In partnership with The Nature Conservancy, Ryan uses his cross-disciplinary experience and water-sector expertise to encourage participation in this novel marketplace, facilitate the match of projects, and improve the regulatory environment for this market-based solution. In addition to his work on StormStore, he serves as a resource to other colleagues, projects, and community and regional partnerships.
He has over 15 years of experience designing, building, and developing innovative solutions that increase the vitality of cities and connected regions. Prior to joining MPC, Ryan led design and market development for Greenprint Partners, a Benefit Corporation and market-leading developer of community-based green infrastructure. He is a registered landscape architect in the State of Illinois, and holds a BLA in Landscape Architecture from the University of Georgia. He earned a postgraduate certificate from–and later joined the faculty of–Archeworks, a public-interest design school. He has taught as adjunct faculty at the IIT School of Architecture.
He lives on Chicago’s South Side in the Hyde Park neighborhood from where he enjoys much of what the region has to offer, especially Promontory Point, Hyde Park Produce, and the Jackson Park Harbor.
BLA, Landscape Architecture, University of Georgia