Opinion on DuSable Lake Shore Drive vision
Sustainability advocates: DuSable Lake Shore Drive vision undermines Chicago’s climate goals

By Chris Conley, Jacky Grimshaw, Kyle Lucas and Amy Rynell
Published August 2, 2024, Chicago Tribune
In this letter to the Chicago Tribune, sustainability advocates ask for pausing the current planning process for North DuSable Lake Shore Drive in order to reimagine it in a way that supports a broader climate vision and is committed to a plan that emphasizes sustainable transportation.
In part, the authors write:
“The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) are proposing a rebuild of North DuSable Lake Shore Drive, a project that will shape our lakefront and city for generations. Unfortunately, the current plans fall woefully short of addressing the urgent climate and mobility challenges we face. As representatives of more than a dozen local organizations, we are calling for a halt to the current project to ensure it aligns with our climate goals and sustainable transportation needs.”