BuiltWorlds 2018 Cities Conference
A full-day premium event that’s exploring the built world’s most “disrupt-able” market: Cities.
We’ve been hearing for years about the enormous infrastructure needs facing cities, that cities are “disrupt-able” and ripe for change. But what’s often left out of the conversation is how to capitalize on it.
The Cities Conference is a full-day premium event that will help you make sense of the crucial changes coming to our cities, including transit, waste, water, energy, buildings, and social infrastructure.
MPC Director of Transportation Audrey Wennink will be speaking at a panel at the conference.
Tickets are $35 for students, $400 for the general public and $500 for those who desire to have VIP access. Use our discount code MPC30CITIES to get 30% off Cities Conference tickets. The discount can be redeemed during the checkout process.