2020 Annual Report
Equity in Uncertain Times
2020. It was a year many of us simply want to discard. A pandemic surged, wildfires raged, racist violence kindled outrage, and the national political landscape disoriented us.
But with crisis comes openings for change. The turbulence of 2020 delivered unexpected new energy, new conversations, and new visions for tomorrow. Understanding that the status quo is unacceptable, there is no time in our 86-year history when the Metropolitan Planning Council has been more driven to advance the changes that will unleash a better, bolder, more equitable future for everyone.
We deserve a metropolitan Chicago region where every child has access to safe drinking water and no one is evicted due to job loss during a pandemic, where every person can enjoy urban green space, and no one commutes three hours on buses to work, where every neighborhood resident’s voice is heard in a comprehensive citywide plan and where no remote-learning student goes without internet at home. We’ve never been more committed to shaping a region where every person can thrive.
Historically, urban planning has a reputation for exclusion, but we’re charting a new course.
Improving citywide planning through Chicago’s first comprehensive plan since 1966
Citywide plans allow us to envision the future, collectively. The first step? Building a collective. That’s why MPC, in partnership with multiple City departments, convened people in autumn 2020 to explore how Mayor Lightfoot’s three-year citywide planning process, “We Will Chicago,” can best include the voices of all residents, incorporate critical lessons from other cities, and overcome our region’s past planning challenges.
Exploring Illinois’ water challenges through the lens of equity
COVID-19 has shown us how important water is to our well-being—but it’s also highlighted that clean, affordable, accessible water is not a given for many. To change that, MPC has worked with communities, nonprofit partners, and decision-makers to learn what stands in the way of an equitable water future for Illinois residents. We helped establish an advisory group to the Illinois State Water Plan update, focused on ensuring the plan emphasizes equity and a robust public engagement strategy. We supported the development of a coalition that is creating an Illinois Water Justice Agenda to ensure water affordability, accessibility, and quality. We provided technical assistance to the communities of Hazel Crest and Evanston on lead service lines and water affordability, respectively. And we created a working group focused on designing flooding relief that works for Chicago homeowners from all neighborhoods and income levels.
Changing stereotypes about what makes a “good neighborhood”
“Bad neighborhood.” It’s a term as simplistic as it is damaging. By challenging false narratives around segregated neighborhoods, we can build solidarity and empathy to change perceptions. MPC’s Research Team is bolstering the case for reparations and targeted investments through conversations with residents about their neighborhoods’ assets, as well as about how policymakers can systemically address the harms of structural racism.
Learning from the wisdom of business visionaries
Founding one of America’s largest minority-owned investment firms. Beating Michael Jordan at basketball. These are a couple of the accolades about John Rogers, MPC’s 2020 Champion Fighter Award recipient. John’s vision and expertise extends past his business, Ariel Investments, into boardrooms and C-suites across America. In the keynote at our September 2020 Annual Event, John spoke about our country’s growing racial wealth gap, the impact of George Floyd’s murder, and how a strong economy undergirds change. In case you missed it, Governor J.B. Pritzker joined one of many voices praising John in a surprise celebratory video.
Documenting the lived experiences of people using our region’s transportation system
When it comes to investments in transportation, decisions should be based on more than numbers and data. People’s experiences matter. MPC partnered with Equiticity and the University of Illinois at Chicago on focus groups around the ways in which transportation is a barrier to employment. We also looked at 40 of America’s largest metropolitan regions for models of equity-grounded transportation funding decisions. Blended together, these approaches can ensure that the Chicago region’s transit system benefits those whom we rely on the most.
A better, bolder, more equitable future for everyone in Chicagoland requires long-range vision.
Building a stormwater credit trading market
In 2020, MPC celebrated a win that was 12 years in the making: an updated ordinance approved by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) that greenlights two Cook County pilot stormwater credit trading programs. Stormwater credit trading is an innovative, market-based approach that enables infrastructure that reduces flooding to be built efficiently where it’s needed most. MPC and The Nature Conservancy are managing these pilots through a partnership known as StormStore. We are unlocking new opportunities for property owners, developers, and communities to work together to reduce costly flooding and unlock economic development in northwest and southeast Cook County.
Moving Toward Racial Equity in Cook County’s Forest Preserves
Green space is healthy for our bodies, minds, and our sense of community. But structural racism has limited access to recreation and to fresh air at our region’s unique network of urban forests. MPC staff pursued racial equity with the Forest Preserves, making changes both internally and in a public-facing plan. Using a racial equity lens to guide land acquisition, staffing, and programming willconnect more residents of Cook County to biodiversity, which can help both people and places thrive.
Fighting for a more accessible region
Whether commuting to a job or anywhere else, accessibility is key to ensuring that our robust transit network helps people get where they need to go. Connecting workers to transit reduces employee turnover costs, according to findings from our partnership with the Boston Consulting Group. And communities across our area are falling short on their commitments to accessibility, according to our analysis in partnership with the Great Lakes ADA center. Shoulder-to-shoulder with experts, allies, and stakeholders, we can move our region Toward Universal Mobility.
Developing a community-driven vision for land in Rogers Park
Bees buzzing. Hoses running. These are the sounds of a community garden near the CTA Howard transit hub. Since Alderwoman Maria Hadden is committed to honoring local opinions on the future of this transit-oriented land parcel, she’s partnering with MPC to deploy the unique, hands-on convening method we’ve used in places from Aurora to Woodlawn to understand community desires regarding development. A wrinkle? The pandemic. This year, we reinvented our Corridor Development Initiative into something new—complete with social-distancing-friendly virtual workshops, virtual polling, live translation, and take-home design kits.
Outlining a path to a healthier Chicago without disparities
In the near-north Streeterville neighborhood, residents can expect to live to 90, while nine miles south, Englewood residents will only live, on average, to 60 years. It’s the largest life expectancy disparity in the U.S., and it’s a problem that Healthy Chicago 2025 aims to solve. MPC helped the Chicago Department of Public Health develop recommendations that address our complex social and institutional barriers to health, from the formation of an environmental equity working group, to using health data in building inspections, to increasing police accountability.
We change perceptions, conversations, and the status quo by working together.
Preserving affordability together in East Garfield Park
It’s a familiar double-edged sword: well-intentioned investments in public amenities can raise property values and displace families. We convened East Garfield Park residents from May 2019 through March 2020 for a public planning process to identify shared affordability goals and strategies—from a strong, independent neighborhood coalition to a Community-Driven Land Trust. We released the resulting Blueprint for Community Action at a resource fair at the Garfield Park Conservatory.
Joining together for inviting, productive, and living rivers
When National Geographic called Chicago’s riverside trails some of the nation’s best “secret urban walks,” they weren’t kidding. This summer, partners from Openlands to the Chicago Community Trust joined the public in helping us celebrate our rivers in a summertime social media campaign, #GreatRiversChicago. It brought to life the plans, projects, and passion that have improved the Chicago, Calumet, and Des Plaines rivers over the past four years since the release of Our Great Rivers, the first-ever unifying and forward-looking vision for all three of Chicago’s rivers.
Committing to the Calumet
Seasons and political administrations change, but long-term, cross-sector engagement is transformative. After more than a decade of partnerships throughout the Calumet region, we’re seeing movement on many fronts. We’re promoting access to green spaces through advising the Illinois Port District on a vision for both a working port and community assets at Lake Calumet, supporting river-oriented projects like connecting Altgeld Gardens’ residents to an urban forest, and developing Conservation Action Plan strategy to improve open space along the Little Calumet River. For more than five years we’ve convened the Calumet Stormwater Collaborative for critical conversations among stakeholders in a shared watershed on how to reduce urban flooding. Just recently Opportunity Advancement Innovation, Inc. partnered with us on helping municipalities jointly maintain green infrastructure and create green jobs. When our call for Drinking Water 1-2-3 technical assistance projects went out, we were excited that the south suburban communities of Hazel Crest, Robbins and Sauk Village all requested help on critical water supply planning needs. The list goes on—Diversity, Equity and Inclusion trainings with the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association, affordable housing assessments through Homes for a Changing Region, land use planning with the Forest Preserves of Cook County, and more. Substantial and sustained, our commitment to the Calumet is core to who MPC is and what we do.
Building capacity among communities
The layered crises of 2020 were particularly devastating to our region’s smaller communities. Sales tax revenues dried up just as demands for services increased. MPC and its Transform Illinois partners assist with models of services sharing and consolidation. MPC subject matter experts offered a helping hand on water supply solutions for Joliet and its neighbors and through groups such as the Northwest Water Planning Alliance and the Southwest Water Planning Group.
Mapping a brighter future after COVID-19
The pandemic has raged like a wildfire, laying bare our region’s—and nation’s—structural inequities. But while policies and lack of investments created the tinderbox, COVID-19 was only the match. In a region where Black residents are more than twice as likely to die from coronavirus as their white counterparts, MPC joined the Field Foundation and more than 20 other local institutions and researchers to create an interactive mapping tool whose data reveals truths about the unjust impacts of this cruel illness. And this tool is guiding a deployment of resources to achieve an equitable recovery.
As a policy change organization, we use our influence to create change.
Instilling equity practices internally at MPC
Our commitment to racial equity means nothing if we don’t have difficult internal conversations that lead to change. Members of MPC’s Equity Committee developed a customized framework for implementing Anti Racism Anti Oppression practices within our institution, guided by Board equity advisors and by assistance from Chicago Regional Organizing for Antiracism (Chicago ROAR).
Battling our region’s lead pipe problem
Chicago has more lead service lines than any other city in America, and lead pipes are a frightening and costly problem in communities across Illinois. Lead exposure can lower children’s IQs, increase attention-related behavior problems, reduce growth and hearing, and create a lifetime of negative health repercussions. Through MPC’s advocacy for a statewide solution to lead service lines, we are working with partners across Illinois to ensure that every municipality has the resources needed to replace every lead service line—the only equitable solution. We’re working with communities to prioritize hard-hit areas and vulnerable populations, such as schools and daycares. And we’re working with policy makers to ensure that Black and Brown communities benefit from the good jobs that lead service line replacement will create.
Raising our voice for community benefit after COVID-19
It’s impossible to overstate how dramatically the pandemic has upended our lives. In the face of upheaval, MPC leaders have worked to protect our region’s residents and institutions, such as folks struggling to make rent as their jobs are swept from beneath their feet. We’ve advocated for changes that protect renters from an “Eviction Cliff.” We’ve also shaped media coverage through advising the monthly Crain’s Chicago Business “Forum” and writing for venues like the Chicago Sun-Times to ensure that Chicagoland’s public transportation network survives a “carpocalypse.” When the going gets tough, it’s more important than ever to fight for the assets that help everyone thrive.
Shining a light on the inequities of remote learning, which inspired a $50M fund to connect students
Did you know that one in five Black or Latinx learners lack home access to broadband in Chicago? In April, we published findings with Kids First Chicago revealing that children of color are less likely to have the internet or the connected devices at home that are necessary for remote learning. In June, Mayor Lori Lightfoot raised $50 million from business and philanthropy leaders for “Chicago Connected,” an effort that provides free, high-speed internet access for four years to Chicago Public Schools learners, possibly the nation’s largest high-speed internet connection effort. A flurry of news stories cited our research, a catalyst for actionable change that will help students in homes across the city.
Building a path forward for equitable transit-oriented development
In 2013, the City of Chicago passed an ordinance designed to promote development near transit, but in practice, these zoning reforms heavily and inequitably benefitted Chicago’s North and Northwest sides. In an effort that spanned two mayoral administrations, 18 months, over 80 voices, and a pandemic, MPC joined Elevated Chicago partners in advocating for more equitable transit-oriented development (ETOD). The result? The City of Chicago’s first-ever ETOD plan, released in September 2020, a step toward addressing our public health, racial justice, and climate change crises through smart development around transit hubs.
The exhaustion of 2020 caused many to ask, “How much worse can things get?” As an independent policy change organization, the Metropolitan Planning Council instead focuses on how much better things can be. Thank you for being there, for supporting our work, for inching us closer to a more equitable, more joyful future.
Financial summary
MPC’s research, advocacy and demonstration projects are funded primarily by contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations.
2020 operating expenses
2020 operating revenue by source
- The Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust
- *The Chicago Community Trust
- *Grand Victoria Foundation
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- The Crown Family
- Ann M. Drake
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Harris Family Foundation
- *The Joyce Foundation
- JPMorgan Chase
- McCormick Foundation
- McDougal Family Foundation
- PNC Bank
- *Polk Bros. Foundation
- BMO Harris Bank
- Ellen Carnahan
- Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
- Comcast
- Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation
- Kenneth C. Griffin
- Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan
- *Steans Family Foundation
- U.S. Bank
- Abbott
- Bandon Dunes Golf Resort
- Bank of America
- BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois
- Patricia and Laurence Booth
- Bowman C. Lingle Trust
- Bucksbaum Retail Properties, LLC
- Colonel Stanley McNeil Foundation
- ComEd
- Conant Family Foundation
- Kent and Elizabeth Dauten
- The Duchossois Group, Inc.
- Elevate Energy
- First Midwest Bank
- GCM Grosvenor
- Jacques N. Gordon and Elizabeth H. Wiltshire
- Groupon
- Lavin Family Foundation
- Lendlease Development Inc.
- Holly and John Madigan
- Mansueto Foundation
- McDonald’s Corporation
- Andrew J. McKenna, Sr.
- Steven N. Miller
- Lee M. Mitchell
- Northern Trust
- Peoples Gas
- The Prince Charitable Trusts
- The Pritzker Traubert Foundation
- Reyes Holdings, LLC
- The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
- The Vistria Group
- Union Pacific Corporation
- William Blair & Company, LLC
- Wintrust Financial Corporation
- Yagan Family Foundation
- AbbVie Inc.
- Alliance for the Great Lakes
- The Allstate Corporation
- AptarGroup, Inc.
- Association of American Railroads
- The Banc Funds Company
- The Canning Foundation
- CenterPoint Properties Trust
- Centro
- Charles River Associates
- Chicago Federation of Labor
- Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
- Cleveland-Cliffs ArcelorMittal
- Michelle L. Collins
- E. David Coolidge, III
- Dr. Scholl Foundation
- J. Michael Drew
- The Edgewater Funds
- Edwardson Family Foudation
- Enterprise Community Partners
- John R. Ettelson
- Franczek P.C.
- Linda and Wilbur Gantz
- Nancy S. Gerrie
- Illinois Tool Works Inc.
- InterPark Holdings LLC
- The John Buck Company
- Jones Lang LaSalle
- Karen P. Layng
- Lazard
- Jim and Kitty Mann
- Mansueto Office Inc
- The Nature Conservancy
- Northwestern Medicine
- Joan Rockey
- Roland Berger Consultant
- John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe
- San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR)
- Katherine M. Scherer
- Sam and Dona Scott Fund
- Sterling Bay Companies
- Structured Development, LLC
- Don and Liz Thompson
- University of Chicago
- Nicholas W. Alexos
- Michael J. Alter
- Ariel Investments, LLC
- Baird & Warner, Inc.
- Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters
- Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.
- Chris and Cira Conley
- d’Escoto, Inc.
- DLA Piper LLP (US)
- Edelman
- Joan and Robert Feitler
- Bon and Holly French
- Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
- John S. Gates, Jr.
- Hill and Cheryl Hammock
- Heitman
- James & Catherine Denny Foundation
- Carol and Larry Levy
- John and Judy McCarter
- National Equity Fund, Inc.
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Pepper Construction Company
- Perkins & Will
- R.M. Chin & Associates, Inc.
- Emma Rodriguez-Ayala and Eric Chitwood
- John W. Rogers, Jr.
- Julia M. Stasch
- Ellen and Jim Stirling
- Bruce W. Taylor
- Ventas, Inc.
- Vitale Family Foundation
- Melissa Y. Washington
- Wight & Company
- Wayne Whalen and Paula Wolff
- Anonymous
- Ben and Sheila Applegate
- Kyle Barnett
- MarySue Barrett
- Francis and Prudence Beidler
- Virginia Breen
- Matthew Brewer
- Todd C. Brown
- Christopher B. Burke
- Suzanne Burns
- Paul and Rebecca Carlisle
- Chicago Cubs
- CSX Transportation Inc.
- Francesca DeBiase
- Deloitte
- Divvy/Lyft Transit, Bikes and Scooters
- Paul Dykstra
- Enterprise Community Investments
- Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
- Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser
- Linda Goodman and David Narefsky
- The Habitat Company
- Andrew J. Hesselbach
- David D. Hiller
- Jocarno Fund
- Lawrence Kearns
- Christopher J. King
- Tom Kirschbraun
- Janet A. Lang
- Martha Linsley
- Make It Better Media Group
- Erica Marquez Avitia
- David Mook
- Emily Nicklin
- Optima Inc.
- Sameer Patel
- Patricia J. Hurley & Associates, Inc.
- Matthew R. Reilein
- The Robert Thomas Bobins Foundation
- Alana Ward Robinson
- Carol Ross Barney
- Sahara Enterprises, Inc.
- Reed Singer
- Unmi Song
- Barbara L. Stewart
- Michael A. Thomas
- Ulta Beauty
- Mary White Vasys
- Pam and Doug Walter
- Mark A. Angelini
- John G. Crowley
- Barbara Flynn Currie
- Grisko LLC
- Stacy Janiak
- Bernard Loyd
- Mary K. Ludgin
- Suzanne Malec-McKenna
- Clark Maxfield
- Robert E. Miller
- Juliana Posada, LiftUp Enterprise
- Janice E. Rodgers
- Jeff E. Smith
- Darwin G. Stuart
- Valerie S. Kretchmer Associates, Inc.
- Walder Foundation
- Adrienne E. White-Faines
- John A. Andersen, Jr.
- Anonymous
- Kate Bensen
- Joel Bookman
- Thomas Burke
- K.K. Neilsen Cleland
- Mr. and Mrs. John C. Colman
- Ellen C. Craig
- Kristi DeLaurentiis
- Renita L. Dixon
- Farr Associates
- Jean Franczyk
- Donald Haider
- Errol and Libby Halperin
- Douglas Hurdelbrink
- Robert A. Hutchins
- John Jendras
- Amy Turnbull Khare
- William J. Kirby
- Leadership Greater Chicago
- John and Jill Levi
- Wyllys Mann
- David May
- Susan J. Moran and John M. McDonough
- Clare M. Muñana
- Maura O’Hara
- Jonathan Perman
- Paula C. Pienton
- John and Stacy Sassaris
- Adele S. Simmons
- Jeffrey Sriver
- Benjamin Swartzendruber
- Amber Webb
*Signifies donors to Economic Security for IL, the organization for which MPC serves as Fiscal Sponsor.
MPC bridges gaps between government, community and business leaders, enabling them to more powerfully join forces and collectively improve our region. We believe that strong partnerships rooted in respect, listening and trust are critical to creative, effective problem-solving.
2020 Board of Governors
Executive Committee Officers
- Chair
Ellen Carnahan
Machrie Enterprises LLC - Vice Chair
Ann M. Drake
President & Founder, Lincoln Road
Chair & Founder, AWESOME - Vice Chair Development
James P. Stirling
Senior Advisor
UBS - Vice Chair Development/Secretary
Paul C. Carlisle
Chief Operating Officer
Market Head-Commercial Banking
Wintrust Commercial Banking - Vice Chair Government Relations
Robert V. Fitzsimmons, II
Managing Director and Principal
Next Generation Public Affairs, Inc. - Treasurer
Bruce W. Taylor
Managing Partner
Taylor Investment Partners - Immediate Past Chair
Todd C. Brown - President
MarySue Barrett
Metropolitan Planning Counci
2020 Board of Governors
* denotes Executive Committee Members
** denotes resigned in 2020
- *Ramiro J. Atristaín-Carrión
Managing Director
Atristain Financial Advisors, LLC - Kyle Barnett
Head, North American Physical Channels & US Channels
BMO Financial Group - Carol Ross Barney
Founder & President
Ross Barney Architects, Inc. - *Matthew Brewer
Bartlit Beck LLP - Carole L. Brown
EVP/Head Asset Management Group
PNC Bank - Christopher B. Burke
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. - **John H. Catlin
LCM Architects - **Pedro J. Cevallos-Candau
Pececa, Ltd.
Eileen Chin
R.M. Chin & Associates, Inc. - Chris Conley
Two Bit Ventures, LLC - Lester Crown
Henry Crown & Company - Francesca DeBiase
Executive Vice President, Chief Supply Chain Officer
McDonald’s Corporation - Zena Diggs
Senior Vice President
Bank of America - James C. Franczek, Jr.
Franczek P.C. - Linda Goodman
Goodman Williams Group - *Jacques N. Gordon
Global Investment Strategist
LaSalle Investment Management - M. Hill Hammock
Cook County Health & Hospital System - Andrew J. Hesselbach
Senior Vice President Illinois Operations
WEC Energy Group - Laurie A. Holmes
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLC - Charles R. Kaiser
General Manager, Corporate Affairs
Edelman - **Christopher J. King
Robinson Engineering Ltd. - Martha Linsley
- Laritza Lopez
Purple Group - Bernard Loyd
Urban Juncture, Inc. - Mary K. Ludgin
Senior Managing Director, Head of Global Research
Heitman LLC - James E. Mann
- Erica Marquez Avitia
Chief Operating Officer
Old Mission Capital LLC - Lee M. Mitchell
Managing Partner
Thoma Bravo, Inc. - **Matthew Moog
Interim CEO
Chicago Public Media - David Mook
Chief Private Banking Officer
U.S. Bank, Wealth Management Group - **Juan Gabriel Moreno
JGMA, Ltd. - Sameer Patel
Holland & Knight LLP - J. Scot Pepper
Pepper Construction Company - Julian G. Posada
LiftUp Enterprises - George A. Ranney, Jr.
- *Matthew R. Reilein
President & CEO
National Equity Fund, Inc. - Robert G. Reiter, Jr.
Chicago Federation of Labor - **Shawn Riegsecker
Founder & CEO
Centro - Alana Ward Robinson
President & CEO
Robinson Group Consulting Inc. - Emma L. Rodriguez-Ayala
General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer
Legal & General Investment Management America - Unmi Song
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation - **Tyronne Stoudemire
Vice President, Global Diversity & Inclusion
Hyatt Hotel Corporation - Michael A. Thomas
Vice President, Administration & Real Estate
The Allstate Corporation - Mary White Vasys
Vasys Consulting Ltd. - *Melissa Y. Washington
Vice President External Affairs & Large Customer Solutions
ComEd - *Paula Wolff
Illinois Justice Project - *Jessica Droste Yagan
Managing Partner
Impact Engine
2020 Honorary Board
- Laurence O. Booth
Design Principal
Booth Hansen Associates - Joseph A. Gregoire
Senior Vice President
Wintrust Financial Corporation - Donald Haider
Professor of Public Management
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management - John McDonough
Partner (Retired)
Sidley Austin LLP - Priscilla A. (Pam) Walter
Walter Law Offices
2020 Executive Advisors
- Nicholas Alexos
EVP & Chief Financial Officer
Univar Solutions - Wilfried Aulbur
Senior Partner, Member of the Advisory Board
Roland Berger - Carol Bernick
Chief Executive Officer
Polished Nickel Capital Management LLC - John L. Bucksbaum
Chief Executive Officer
Bucksbaum Retail Properties, LLC - David R. Casper
BMO Financial Group - Robert M. Chapman
Chief Executive Officer
CenterPoint Properties Trust - Keating Crown
Managing Principal
Sterling Bay - Marsha Cruzan
Regional President
U.S. Bank - J. Michael Drew
Founding Principal
Structured Development, LLC - Craig J. Duchossois
Chairman & CEO
The Duchossois Group, Inc. - John Ettelson
President & CEO
William Blair & Company - Robert W. Frentzel
Managing Director & Co-Head of Commercial Banking
CIBC U.S. - John S. Gates, Jr.
Executive Chairman
TradeLane Properties, LLC - Nancy S. Gerrie
Winston & Strawn LLP - Ari Glass
Head of Real Estate
Mansueto Office Inc. - Michael L. Keiser
Bandon Dunes Golf Resort - Mark Kowlzan
Chairman & CEO
Packaging Corporation of America - Karen Layng
Founder & President
M.A.I.T. Co. - Steven N. Miller
Partner & Co-Founder
Origin Ventures - Charles J. Moore
The Banc Funds - J. Marshall Peck
InterPark Holdings LLC - Shawn Riegsecker
Founder & CEO
Centro - Joan Rockey
Chief Financial Officer
The Mather Group - Katherine M. Scherer
Managing Partner
Deloitte LLP - Michael Scudder
Chairman, President & CEO
First Midwest Bancorp, Inc. - Mark Skender
Chief Executive Officer
Skender - Kristofer Swanson
VP and Practice Leader, Forensic Services
Charles River Associates - Scott Swanson
PNC Bank, Illinois - Stephan B. Tanda
President & CEO
AptarGroup, Inc. - James P. TenBroek
Managing Partner
Growth Catalyst Partners - Edward J. Wehmer
Founder, President & CEO
Wintrust Financial Corporation - Theodore Weldon, III
Executive General Manager – Development
2020 Housing and Community Development Committee
- Pamela Daniels-Halis, co-chair
BMO Harris Bank - Amy Khare, co-chair
National Initative on Mixed Income Communities - Bennett Applegate
Applegate & Thorne-Thomsen - Forest Bailey
Draper & Kramer - David Baker
America’s Urban Campus - Betsy Benito
Higher Ground Partners - Mathew Brewer
Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott LLP. - Chester Bell
U.S Bank - Lee Brown
Teska Associates, Inc. - Todd C. Brown
- Andre Brumfield
Gensler - Lissette Castañeda
LUCHA - Andrew Geer
Enterprise Community Partners - Linda Goodman
Goodman Williams Group - Veronica Gonzalez
NHP Foundation - King Harris
Harris Holdings Inc. - Peter Levavi
Brinshore Development LLC - Laritza Lopez
The Purple Group - Fanny Lopez Benitez
Latino Policy Forum - Bernard Loyd
Urban Juncture, Inc. - Wyllys Mann
Baird & Warner, Inc. - Robert Miller
Applied Real Estate Analysis, Inc. - Bob Palmer
Housing Action IL - Sameer Patel
Holland & Knight LLP - Matthew Reilein
National Equity Fund - Emma Rodriguez Ayala
Legal & General Investment Management America - Bruce Taylor
Taylor Investment Partners - Mary Vasys
Vasys Consulting Ltd. - Stacie Young
The Preservation Compact - Juanita Irizarry
Friends of the Park - Pete Saunders
Village of Richton Park - Terri Worman
2020 Effective Government Committee
- Hill Hammock, co-chair
Cook County Health Board - Alana Robinson co-chair
Robinson Group Consulting, Inc. - Bill Balling
WRB LLC - Christina Burns
Village of Oswego - Eileen Chin
R.M. Chin & Associates, Inc. - Chris Conley
Two Bit Ventures, LLC - Mayor Rodney Craig
Village of Hanover Park - Bob Dean
Center for Neighborhood Technology - Robert V. Fitzsimmons, II
Next Generation Public Affairs, Inc. - Mark Fowler
Northwest Municipal Conference - Lindsay Hollander
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning - Bo Kemp
Southland Development Authority - Martha Linsley
- Joseph Mancino
Greensigns LLC - Sabina Shaikh
University of Chicago - Michael Pagano
University of Illinois at Chicago, CUPPA - Heather Parish
Pierce Family Foundation - Mayor Sergio Rodriguez
Village of Summit - David Silverman
Ancel Glink - Regan Stockstell
Village of Richton Park - Paula Wolff
Illinois Justice Project
2020 Land Use and Planning Committee
- Paul Carlisle, Co-Chair
Wintrust Commercial Banking - Alejandra Garza, Co-Chair
AGG Consulting - Paola Aguirre
Borderless Studio - Jaime Arteaga
Local Initiatives Support Corporation - Adam Ballard
AARP - Philip Beckham
P3 Markets - Ellen Craig
- Fernando DeMiao
DePaul University - Zena Diggs
Bank of America - Ghian Foreman
Emerald South Economic Development Collaborative - Meleah Geerstma
Natural Resources Defense Council - Linda Goodman
Goodman Williams Group - Shubhra Govind
Village of Hanover Park - Juanita Irizarry
Friends of the Parks - Rebecca Judd
Donnelley Foundation - Thomas C. Kirschbraun
Jones Lang LaSalle - Kindy Kruller
Cook County Bureau of Economic Development - Sarah Langeliers
GHD - Mary Ludgin
Heitman - James Mann
- Erica Marquez Avitia
Old Mission Capital LLC - Zorica Nedovic-Budic
UIC, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs - Scot Pepper
Pepper Construction - Julian Posada
LiftUp Enterprises - Anjulie Rao
American Institute of Architects - Rob Reuland
Site Design - Emma Rodriguez-Ayala
Legal & General Investment Management America - Carol Ross Barney
Ross Barney Architects - Traci Sanders
Illinois Housing Development Authority - Elizabeth Scott
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning - Dawveed Scully
SOM - Anton Seals
Grow Greater Englewood - Paul Shadle
DLA Piper - Raj Shah
Rush University - David Siegel
Sidley Austin LLP - Unmi Song
The Lloyd A. Fry Foundation - Will Tippens
Related Midwest - Michael Toolis
- Steven Vance
Map Strategies - Pam Walter
Walter Law Offices - Kimberly Wasserman Nieto
Little Village Environmental Justice Organization
2020 Transportation Committee
- Tom Kotarac, co-chair
Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago - Paula Worthington, co-chair
University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy - William Abolt
AECOM - Felip Ballesteros
Purple Group - Kyle Barnett
BMO Harris Bank - Dionne Baux
National Main Street Center, Inc. - Pedro Cevallos-Candau
- Kristi DeLaurentiis
South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association - Cindy Fish
Fish Transportation Group - Jackie Forbes
Kane County Division of Transportation - James Franczek
Franczek Radelet P.C. - Jacques Gordon
LaSalle Investment Management - Jessica Hector-Hsu
Regional Transportation Authority - Sidney Kenyon
DuPage County Division of Transportation - Martha Linsley
- Lynda Lopez
Active Transportation Alliance - Kate Lowe
University of Illinois at Chicago, CUPPA - Neil McMonagle
Ernst & Young LLP - David Mook
US Bank - Thomas H. Morsch
Morsch Expeditions - J. Scot Pepper
Pepper Construction Company - Paula Pienton
T.Y. Lin International, Inc. - Oboi Reed
Equiticity - Robert G. Reiter
Chicago Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO - Carol Ross Barney
Ross Barney Architects - James P. Stirling
UBS - Emily Tapia-Lopez
HNTB Corporation - Erik Varela
Union Pacific Railroad - Mae C. Whiteside
CKL Engineers - Laura Wilkison
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning - Jon Zabrocki
Robinson Engineering
2020 Water Resources Committee
- Suzanne Malec-McKenna, co-chair
- Manju Sharma, co-chair
SPAAN Tech - Amrou Atassi
CDM Smith - Nora Beck
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning - Christopher B. Burke
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. - Ellen Carnahan
Machrie Enterprises LLC - Anna-Lisa Castle
Alliance of the Great Lakes - Carolyn Grieves
Baxter & Woodman - Alaina Harkness
Current - Andy Hesselbach
WEC Energy Group - Jyotsna Jagai
University of Illinois at Chicago - Chuck Kaiser
Edelman - Genese Leach
Grand Victoria Foundation - Edith Makra
Metropolitan Mayors Caucus - James E. Mann
- Andy Martin
Greeley and Hansen - Paul May
Northwest Suburban Municipal JAWA - Peter Mulvaney
Jacobs - Cristina Negri
Argonne National Laboratory - Jeremy Orr
Natural Resources Defense Council - Margaret Schneemann
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning - Sabina Shaikh
University of Chicago - Mike Thomas