Rimjhim Agrawal

Rimjhim is a Research Assistant at MPC and will be splitting her time between the water and stormwater teams working on Lead Service Line Replacement and Green Stormwater projects. A Master of Public Policy from the University of Chicago, she spent a year designing initiatives to address food insecurity and promote energy efficiency at Cook County Bureau of Economic Development. Rimjhim also works for Corioli Institute, where she has delivered research projects on the Climate Change, Disaster, Conflict, and Migration Nexus in Kenya and the Arab Region. She spent a summer in Erbil, Iraq, where she developed a Sustainable Procurement Blueprint for the Prime Minister’s Office alongside designing economic diversification initiatives.
Rimjhim has also worked in various roles including at the World Bank and DC-based education nonprofit Genesys Works. She graduated as an urban and regional planner and worked as a climate and disaster risk analyst for three years in an international context. She has developed Social Vulnerability Indices for regions in India and Gambia and designed a scientific model to predict casualties and injuries from earthquakes, floods, and landslides.
She is passionate about contributing to a sustainable future for humanity and the planet. On summer and fall days, you can find Rimjhim biking around Hyde Park with a camera.